About the Campaign
Panchayats have been mandated for the preparation of Panchayat Development Plan (PDP) for economic development and social justice utilizing the resources available to them. The PDP planning process has to be comprehensive and based on participatory process which involves the full convergence with Schemes of all related Central Ministries / Line Departments related to 29 subjects enlisted in the Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution.
People's Plan Campaign Summary for Plan Year 2025-2026
Note-: Figures are geting updated on hourly basis.
Nodal Officers
Line Department Nodal Officers
FrontLine Workers
Sabhas Scheduled
Sabhas Held
Facilitator Feedback
Sabha Images
Analysis of Aggregate of GPDPs (2024-2025)
State | GP Count | Total Works Approved | Cost of Approved Works (in Cr.) | % of Total Cost of GPDP | Total Works Initiated | Cost of Initiated Works (in Cr.) |