Comparative Analysis Across States

The ranking is being calculated as per the details entered by facilitators in their report.

The Ranking system of a Gram Panchayat would be as follows:
  • 1 point - if Gram Panchayat has appointed a facilitator
  • 2 Point - if Gram Panchayat has uploaded Mission Antyodaya data
  • 0.5 point - For every department's Frontline worker (Not limited to the no. of Line Department added)
  • 2 point - If Gram Sabha held
  • 1 point - If facilitator feedback has filled by the facilitator
  • 1 point - If Gram Sabha Picture has been uploaded & validated
  • 1 point - If the Public Information Board (PIB) image has been uploaded & validated
  • 2 Point- If the Mission Antyodaya data is presented and validated
The ranking of a Block would be as follows:
  • Sum of total points of all Gram Panchayat in a block/Number of Gram Panchayat in a block
The ranking of a District would be as follows:
  • Sum of total points of all Gram Panchayat in a District/Number of Gram Panchayat in a District
The ranking of a State would be as follows:
  • Sum of total points of all Gram Panchayat in a State/Number of Gram Panchayat in a state